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The Five Essentials for Workplace Mental Health: Creating Change at Every Level

health and safety leadership mental health psychological safety wellness Oct 02, 2024
The Five Essentials for Workplace Mental Health: Creating Change at Every Level


We know that work and mental health are intimately connected. A supportive work environment can significantly enhance well-being, and conversely, a lack of support can create or exacerbate mental health concerns. Tackling mental health at work is no easy feat, despite growing awareness around the need for change. Leaders and employees alike are asking the same question: how can we make a real difference in mental health at work?


The Five Essentials

One key resource guiding employers in this effort is The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Wellā€‘Being. Built on decades of research and informed by conversations with unions, workplace leaders, academic experts, and workers themselves, the framework offers organizations a starting point for updating and institutionalizing policies, processes, and practices to better support the mental health and well-being of employees.

At the core of the framework are the Five Essentials for Workplace Mental Health and Wellā€‘Being:

  • Protection from Harm
  • Connection & Community
  • Work-Life Harmony
  • Mattering at Work
  • Opportunity for Growth

These essentials, centered on Worker Voice and Equity, provide a blueprint for fostering mental health in the workplace.


Mental Health Change at Every Level

Making real change at work requires an intentional, ongoing effort at every level—organizational, team, and individual. If these levels aren’t working in sync, even the best intentions can fall short, leaving gaps in support and making it harder to make meaningful progress.

  • At the organizational level, leadership sets the tone by creating policies, resources, and a culture that prioritizes mental health.
  • At the team level, managers and peers foster open communication and support, ensuring that workloads are balanced and that everyone feels included.
  • At the individual level, employees contribute by setting boundaries, using mental health resources, and supporting colleagues in creating a positive work environment.

While addressing the Five Essentials in your workplace, consider how best practices can be implemented at all levels of the organization – so every person is moving in the same direction to make change.


Protection from Harm

Protection from Harm involves both physical and psychological safety.


Strategies for the:

Organizational Level

  • Implement clear policies on bullying, harassment, and discrimination, backed by a zero-tolerance policy.
  • Consider providing comprehensive benefits that include mental health coverage, such as Occupational Therapy, counseling services, and wellness programs.
  • Build an accommodation program that supports employees to stay at work while managing their health conditions.
  • Ensure that leaders undergo training on psychological safety and mental health awareness so they can identify early signs of mental distress and support employees appropriately.

Team Level:

  • Foster a supportive, transparent team culture where concerns about safety—whether physical or emotional—can be raised without fear of repercussions.
  • Regularly monitor team workloads to ensure that no one is overwhelmed, which can help prevent burnout.

Individual Level:

  • Encourage employees to recognize their own limits and set boundaries to protect their mental and physical health.
  • Promote personal use of wellness programs, such as mindfulness or relaxation apps, to build resilience against stress.
  • Offer access to confidential resources like EAPs where individuals can seek professional help when facing personal or work-related stress.


Connection & Community

Connection & Community emphasizes the importance of social support and belonging to something bigger at work.


Strategies for the:

Organizational Level:

  • Develop and support diversity and inclusion initiatives that promote a sense of belonging for all employees.
  • Encourage cross-departmental collaboration and company-wide events that build relationships across different teams.
  • Provide platforms (e.g., town halls, social networks) where employees can connect and engage with leadership and peers.

Team Level:

  • Encourage regular check-ins, both one-on-one and in team meetings, that create space for conversations about mental health and overall well-being.
  • Organize team-building activities to foster trust and cohesion, which can strengthen team bonds and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Create an environment where collaboration is encouraged and individuals feel comfortable sharing their successes and failures.

Individual Level:

  • Encourage individuals to seek support from their peers and build strong relationships in the workplace.
  • Promote participation in employee groups or other community initiatives within the company.


Work-Life Harmony

Work-Life Harmony ensures that employees have autonomy over and flexibility around their work to create better balance in their life.


Strategies for the:

Organizational Level:

  • Provide flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, to help employees manage their personal and professional responsibilities.
  • Promote a culture that respects personal time—encouraging employees to disconnect after work hours and use vacation time fully.
  • Support autonomy by allowing employees more control over how and when they complete their work.

Team Level:

  • Promote realistic goal-setting and workload management to avoid overwhelming team members.
  • Create flexible team collaboration methods to accommodate different working styles and needs.
  • Respect employee’s time by not asking them to complete work outside of normal work hours – and set a good example by not sending emails after work hours.

Individual Level:

  • Encourage employees to set boundaries between work and personal life to avoid burnout. Disconnecting from work may include strategies such as physically separating the physical workspace from the home (if working from home), not checking emails after hours, and taking lunch and breaks away from the desk.
  • Promote self-care strategies, such as mindfulness or exercise, to help to reduce stressors and maintain a healthy balance.
  • Empower individuals to manage their time and workload effectively, allowing them to pace their work and delegate when necessary.


Mattering at Work

Mattering at Work ensures that employees feel their contributions are meaningful and that they are valued for their work, giving them a sense of purpose and dignity.


Strategies for the:

Organizational Level:

  • Create transparent feedback loops that ask for employee input on organizational goals and measure employee well-being, so employees feel their voices are heard and their ideas matter.
  • Ensure that employees are compensated fairly for their work and that their wages increase as their skills increase.

Team Level:

  • Recognize and reward employees publicly, celebrating the individual contributions that make team successes possible.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to take ownership of projects that align with their skills and career aspirations, increasing their sense of meaning at work.

Individual Level:

  • Encourage employees to reflect on how their work aligns with their personal values and how it contributes to broader organizational goals.
  • Foster a mindset of continuous learning and accomplishment by setting personal goals and celebrating milestones, no matter how small.


Opportunity for Growth

Opportunity for Growth supports mental wellness by fostering a sense of accomplishment and learning.


Strategies for the:

Organizational Level:

  • Invest in employee development programs, such as mentorship, training, and continuing education opportunities.
  • Encourage a growth mindset by offering internal promotions and career development pathways that give employees a vision for their future within the company.

Team Level:

  • Create opportunities for skill development within the team by offering challenging projects that allow employees to learn and grow.
  • Encourage peer mentoring and knowledge-sharing to promote collective learning and professional development.
  • Provide constructive feedback and coaching to help team members grow (and celebrate their achievements along the way).

Individual Level:

  • Empower employees to seek out learning opportunities, such as attending workshops, taking on new projects, or acquiring new skills.
  • Encourage individuals to set career goals and take ownership of their personal and professional growth journeys.
  • Promote continuous learning as part of the workplace culture, fostering a mindset of curiosity and innovation.


How Can Gowan Consulting Help?

Gowan Consulting has Occupational Therapy resources to ensure the safety and wellness of your employees and work environment.

  • Make a referral or contact us to learn more about individualized mental health support or accommodations support to help your team stay healthy and at work. 
  • Request a consult from our team to audit your Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.
  • Contact us to book training for your staff. We provide individuals and teams with Psychological Safety at Work Training, Manager Mental Health Training, Inclusive Leader Training, and more. Our custom workshops and online courses discuss areas of psychological risks within the workplace and cover skill building such as communication, conflict resolution, and resilience.